Thursday, September 13, 2007

French Ball?!?!?!

Well, today, I went to French Club as usual. I am the earliest as usual. I sit at the right corner as usual. I say 'bonjour' as usual. So what's so unusual about a usually normal Thursday. Well, today, we played French Ball, also known as tomatoes. Why? I have absolutely no idea. I guess the French teacher just decided to teach us a new game called TOMATOES....This is how the game goes:
1) Get a ball (obviously)
2) Everyone stand in a circle with legs spread out
3) Everyone bends down
4) Ball gets hit here and there on the ground

Objective: Prevent the all from going through your legs

If the ball goes through once, you can only use 1 hand to defend your goal. If the ball goes through twice, you have to turn arond with your butt facing the circle. If the ball goes through trice, you use one hand again. If the ball goes through one more time, YOU'RE OUT!!

So why is the game called tomatoes when it have absolutely no connection to the plant/fruit? Well, I have absolutely no idea. But I just wanna add, that I am pretty good at it. So to any challenger for tomatoes, BRING IT ON!!

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